Goodbye India Hello Madagascar

Our Home in India

“Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. The pilot has not turned off the seat belt light. Ladies and gentlemen….”

 The same mantra I hear flight after flight in India when taxiing into the hanger.  Funny how eager people are to get off the plane when the same people were butting lines to get on first.

Human nature is funny.  

Bombay airport has to be one of the most beautiful in the world. The architecture is brilliant. When lit up, the swirling arches are surreal, otherworldly. The huge brass diya lamps hanging from restaurants and other public places are stunning. They are shaped like giant lotus flowers in various stages of opening.

We are now sitting in Addis Ababa airport, waiting for our flight to Antananarivo.  Eating a cold baked potato cheese sandwich for breakfast. Actually is numm.

We felt a sting of sadness leaving Bodi, even knowing we’ll be back in three and a half months.  Our dogs gave us licky kisses, and Rajakumari promised me that she would let me know ALL of the Blue Mango news, even the bad. Last time she tried to protect me from problems that came up, and ended up feeling abandoned.  Raja, our accountant gave me an adieu smile. I know better than to give him a goodbye hug, even having worked together for over 15 years.  Not done.  Suruli promised to keep our garden going and to keep the rats and snakes at bay.  Our sweet-tasting baby red papayas from Ivory Coast seeds are just ripening. We looked longingly at 15 gorgeous fruits on our kitchen counter. Told Pichamani to eat what she wants and freeze the rest for smoothies when we get back. I had just enjoyed the last custard apple from our tree the day before. Creamy white goodness.

Babu drove us to Madurai airport. We have known Babu since 1990 when Bruce delivered their twins, a boy and a girl.  Both kids are finished with university, married with babies of their own.   Babu used to walk our Leif and Andry to school when they were very little.  Andry sometimes stamped her feet, refusing to go to school. Babu would bribe her with a boat ride across Kodai lake, a shortcut to Kodai International School.  He still laughs about it. Both Leif and Andry call Babu regularly, Leif from Minneapolis and Andry from Brussels.

 Arrived tired and happy to be back again. We met old friends. Being able to lie horizontal in bed was a luxury.

“Ladies and gentleman, please lie down,”


First Day in Tana